Abrupt posts are the way to go.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 @4:52 PM
humanity has brought us to do this date and this state.
i have heard often that humanity now is more cruel then ever but have we forgotten the past where people aren't educated and tend to act more on their actions instead of keeping it to themselves.
have we forgotten the times when the Jews were unfairly punished, when the African Americans did not have the right say and sit at the end of the bus and were often scorned at. granted, this still happened today but changes as it is brought about the first African American that may happen to be the President of the United States.
not to forget the ancient times where blood was a common sight, where treachery and beheading is given to even the most simplest form of crime or even the innocents due to corruption. woman were seen as servants and often had to bow their heads to men like they were Zeus.
how could we not forget as well the bigots of the last century where homosexuals alike do not have say peace in the lights of hour and are condemned more so than today.
notes that these are just the tip of an icebergs. many tragedies have come out since human existence.
education has changed the world, for better and for worse. granted we have atomic bombs and nuclear power in the making and those can be disastrous but can we not forget the cruelty of mankind that was in the past that perhaps is the reason for today's world.
in life, we tend to focus on the here and now and we- more often than not- forget the lessons we were thought of the harshness of humans.
i suppose life has never been a safe place whether you lived in the past or the now, so we shouldn't complain as to what we face these days and act upon saving it.
China trip tomorrow, enjoy the rest of your holidays who still are on holidays. and to those that are busy studying for their upcoming exams, work hard dudes.
Sunday, September 21, 2008 @10:56 PM
season 8 of Smallville premiere was a blast! i love every inch of the 41min 58sec of it because it was exhilarating and made a big come back.
i'm so glad i skipped the other 6 seasons where i just read the spoilers and wet straight to season 8.
i actually wanted to watch it only because of Oliver Queen but since his going to be a season regular, supposed i'm going to keep watching it now. further more, it's getting more interesting even without Superman's arch nemesis.
and of course there is Lois Lane, how can you not love her? she totally kick ass and the squabbles she has with Clark is so hilarious.
other then my Smallville rant, i've been eating tons recently.
cheap and good food is always the ways to go.
sometimes i find myself very spoiled. i try to avoid it but i throw tantrums like a little child on the void of not being able to get what she wants.
i yell, curse and on the edge of stamping my foot but walk away before i resort to that.
i have nasty temper that just get worst everytime and you know how they say 'all good things go unpunished'? i often wonder about that.
the truth of sayings all.
Friday, September 19, 2008 @6:08 PM
hesitation makes it easier.
so what say you my exam is finally over,
thank god.
i thought i did pretty okay but my heart tells me otherwise but i hope i scrape a pass. i should be able to.
no rot that out.
i will pass, i know i will because the exam was okay.
enough of renting, let's make a move on.
now we're back to the last two episodes of Dexter and tomorrow and the week after it's catching up with pals that i've been neglecting.
i'm looking forward to my trip to China because i just love the cultural stuff that only China can bring out with the roots and depth of it. seeing the Great Wall will be marvelous too because there is something to be said seeing one of the Wonders of The World. being a major history buff, China definitely appeals to my inner fascination with the country. food wise, i hope i'll be eating homemade noodles at the street side. there's something appealing eating at a dirty place because the food just taste better. or maybe it's my quirkiness that finds the appeal with it.
and i'm exhausted now, what with nerves acting up just now while i was pacing the common hallway. even food didn't cure it.
maybe fanfic will.
Thursday, September 18, 2008 @10:57 AM
these few days, well i've been pretty busy which explains the lack of posts.
so, i went to the zoo and the first thing out of my thoughts were - boring- but when you have the opportunity to feed the kangaroos and the baboons, it was actually pretty fun. crazy monkeys, fierce hungry white tigers, if you go at the right time you realise things are always not the same as you think they are.
there are plenty of times when we become extremely greedy especially when there are a variety of food. when it becomes a huge amount where we gorge ourselves full. the water we drink gurgles within our body where we try to burp the gas out. and because we want to try
everything, we never stop and we keep on eating, eating and eating...

barbecued ostrich, crocodile and salmon meat, with stingray, lamb kabab at the side.

seafood spaghetti and chilli crab.

and the cold seafood platter that is simply irresistible.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @10:37 PM
i love the mundane things in life, for example:
i love cucumber with cheese sandwiches.
they're the best.
Sunday, September 07, 2008 @2:32 PM
parents can be so ignorant and annoying at times.
here we go people,
sexiest males:

Matthew Settle - a war soldier, a dad, this guy is just getting famous.

Josh Duhamel - whether he is being President of Operations for the Montecito or Captain William Lennox, this guy just look good on screen. he will capture your attention right away.
Dave Annable- he has this dole look that charms you.

Spike from 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' (James Marsters) - i remembered watching the show just to see him. the swagger, the accent the bad arse attitude.

Dexter from 'Dexter' (Michael C. Hall) - this guy is good looking, add in his dark and morbid personality you have a sexy man in making.
River Phoenix - one of the youngest actor who died and still have many die hard fans in the making.
Lex Luthor from 'Smallville' (Michael Rosenbaum) - he's bald, rich and should own a playboy mansion. did anyone notice how buff he is?

Ryan Gosling - from the high school playboy to the drug addict teacher this man has played various rows that just makes him sexy. even when he was a little to plump in Lars and The Real Girl- it made him sexy in his own way.

Dean Winchester from 'Supernatural' (Jensen Ackles) - his funny, brash and able to kick ghosts and devils alike ass.

Johnny Depp - when i saw this picture, i couldn't help it, i knew i must put this up. added the fact he eccentric like hell and owns a island well it just adds up. it is a bonus he is such a loving father.
Thursday, September 04, 2008 @4:48 PM
warning: heavy images ahead.
sexiest female stars: (in no particular order)

Shane from 'The L Word' (Katherine Moennig) - look at her! i believe she was one of my first girl crushes; anyone who watches The L Word got to be mesmerized by her.

Shalimar Fox from Mutant X (Victoria Pratt) - she's hot, sexy and able to kick ass. not to mention able to wear leather too.

Natalie Portman - one of the few woman who can carry of the bald head look.

Leisha Hailey - look at that smile! just look at it! there's something about her that is charmingly cute and yet sexy. rare combination

Kristin Kreuk - delicate piece of flower.

Charlize Theron- i'm always so awed by her. she's one of the woman i idolize because her personality makes her awesome.

Daniela Sea - she has the nicest eyes.

Jennifer Love Hewitt - she speaks to the ghost. enough said.

Eva Mendes - she's, well,
Portiade Rossi - she was awesome in Ally Mcbeal and now Ellen Degeneres wife.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008 @7:20 PM
somehow, the food tastes better whenever my mum makes it. or prepares it for me. last night dinner was the best i ate in awhile since my mum mashed it up for me. delicious.
must be some secret of mothers.